SSGians: The Proud Breed!

A source of motivation. A source of pride. And most importantly a reason to work harder to reach where we want to.

The ringing of the bell redefines the meaning of morning as we scrub our sleepy eyes and put on our shorts and run in the dark, with daylight still away for sometime. I have heard many a times, teachers saying and asking us to study harder, as we had sacrificed our childhood staying away from our parents and more importantly, as we had come out successful in the interview and succeeded in getting an admission in Sainik School Goalpara.

We passed our routine exams with the little time we had to study in the midst of games, House activities, punishments, parades and functions. Its 8 years now since I left the school. It will vary for many of you who might be reading. However, the definition of professional success isn’t a static or pre defined one. One can be called a success even if he owns a shop and excels in it as compared to an unsuccessful or half hearted attempt to do something else.

Over a dinner, I was chatting with an ex classmate of mine from school days. He was saying that of the many truths about the people of Assam, one was their lack of strength to undergo sacrifice to achieve something. And one need not look far for example. He pointed toward himself and me and said, “Look at you and look at me and whatever we are doing today; our achievement is NIL when we see our past and our education.”

I am not saying this to offend, but rather to inspire several of those who have embarked upon their journey towards their goal, which is going to be tough undoubtedly. And when the going gets tough, the tough keeps going. Its time we gave befitting SALAMI to our school days, to the bruises, to the sleepless mornings and the suffocating Khaki uniform during hot summer days. Keep working and don’t forget to go back to the school when you are proud of yourself…sooner or later. Sarv Mein Saddham


RAJIB HAZAM 3265 said...

Good one Sisir, according to my perception, it was a different environment then. When we were in school baring a few the main trend which we followed was "not to study”, what was more important to us was just to pass the exams and give our time in gossiping, playing and merry making (only enjoying in short) . It was like a status symbol that those who don't study at all and more of a bindass type were considered a different happening group and as an inherited human nature it was very natural for us to try and make it to that class rather than the more serious “padakoo” types. Few amongst us had an inborn talent to do both- study and party at the same time and others who followed the same routine found themselves lost in the long run, when the tag of a type was attached to our name it was or is very difficult to go away from it, this also I think does not let us do many things which we could have done otherwise. It is very true that in our entire stay in school we clearly had two choices either to follow the rule book and be conventional or to break the rules and set new rules for ourselves and what I think we did was, we did set the rules for ourselves.

In our society we are not at free will to choose and pursue what we like right from the beginning. Here we have to choose a line after we have already gone through a process, set by people many years ago and which in real sense needs complete makeover. No matter what we did then, what is important that we have a lot of potential may be not the conventional ones but we have it for sure and we need to set our own goals and definition of success.

We just need to start…………………………. and as u said “when the going gets tough the tough gets going”. I am not sure whether I have explained what I think and wanted to say ( Language problem u know) but hope u will understand what I mean. Good job keep it up

kallol said...

The proud breed certainly redefines the inner instinct and necessities what we cultivated and inherited during our childhood. Though time heals every wounds as the wit says but for the people of Assam (renamed Axom) it is never going to be the time that will bring a reason for hearty celebration for all the small kids, our terrorized sisters and brothers, we should realize that we youths are the weapons to eradicate this (mind it:it is not with guns this time, with creativity that raises and makes a path for development). It may be profession OR education OR your business, we should understand that we are the hidden treasure that lies at the bottom of the pyramid. for example look what we witnessed in the market of Dalgoma, dubapara near our SSG campus, the vendors opens a shop with 2-3 kg of onion, little no. of tomatoes, in reality with a very little goods, do you think that the profit earned from these can feed a family comfortably? certainly not. we passed more than 12 yrs and still the scenario is same, so how can we move on with other developing area? till now I have not done anything for what I witnessed but the truth is that the war is not individual. So it is time to wake up as we woke up earlier at dark and runs in group through the dark looking for the rising sun with every step we take and we always witnessed the bright sun in the East.

Shisir said...

Rajib & Kallol, aah some heavy words came out from the depth of your hearts. Keep up the momentum of an SSGian. I am your one stop inspiration point for anytime morale boosting! Samiksha kram mein, madhya se tej chal!

Shazia Qadeer said...

Winners don't do different things, they do things differently... keep up the spirit.. Cheers !

fido said...

i think i have been left aloof for a little while,but as we say "be late better than never".its a tremendous thing that you guys have often do we feel;every single one of us,to bring back the glorious memories of the past from the depths of our hearts.i really felt i relived every lost second from the memories in the school by reading all that you guys have written the larger scheme of things in this world perhaps every individual experience counts,every single experience,either brief or sustained,either personal or collective.and perhaps i have ample reason to put forward mine,share it with all you damn buddies provided i could avail the luxury of sitting over the net more often.i won't promise to be regular and i dont see that happening very soon.but i would certainly come back every now and then, jot down something and be gone for a while.but i will be some other day.

Shisir said...

Fido its such a pleasant surprise to see you on the forum. I am eagerly waiting to read your stories...& a day when you will be more frequent on the net...

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