Surjya Pahar Mela

As all would agree, everyday in Sainik School was a new experience ...... a new story to tell. I just recalled a silly incident that happened when we were in class XI and would like to jolt down immediately before it gets lost in the passage of time. Lead Actor....Me, (phanindra Nath) Phanda, Ehsan (Bulon) and the villains....Mr. N. Acharjee & P.L.N .Sharma our Registrar.
All years we had been going to Goalpara (the nearest town) on weekends without permission. But on this rare occasion we seeked and got permission to go to Goalpara. It was the time of the year when the Surya Pahar mela was being organized. (Surjya Pahar is a small hill on the way to Goalpara and there is a Shiv Linga). So every year there used to be a mela which attracted many devotees to worship Lord Shiva and enjoy the Mela). Amazingly till class XI, I had never been there. So Me & Phanda planned to drop down to see the Mela on our way back from Goalpara. In fact that was the actual idea behind seeking permission to go to Goalpara citing fake reasons. As planned we came back early to enjoy the mela. We had lot of Kuhiyar (Sugarcane), Chingra (Samosa), Jelepi (Jalebi), Lal Mohan (Gulab Jamun) and what not. As it was a Sunday, many teachers also came that included the omnipresent Mr. G.C. Kalita (a renowned Maths Teacher) and his lovely daughter Miss. X (who was our classmate also) who saw me and gave a cool wink and Mr. N. Acharjee a great historian with incredibly incorrect English. We enjoyed the afternoon and came back in the evening. The gowoliya (village) girls in the mela were amazing for us as we hardly saw girls inside our school campus. Me and Phanda were very content with the day out. Next day morning just after the second period the peon from the registrars office came. He announced our names…Me and Phanda and asked us to go to the Registrars office. As rightly guessed by us the Historian had complained that we were in the mela. Mr. P.L.N. Sharma, our Dear Registrar was a Don in this own rights. He asked us why we had gone there…
So we explained that we that taken permission. Hence, it was okay…but he still started questioning us. He asked “Did you eat any junk food….we said “No”…. Did U got involved in gazing at girls…we said “No”…. He again asked….Did u eat Jalebi or Samosa…we again said “No”. Mr. P.L.N. was impressed by us and complemented us for maintaining school discipline in the outside world as well. That was it … we went back to our class but we forgot that we had met Bulon (our classmate) also in the Mela who had gone without any permission. After us…Bulon was called and we didn’t know that. He was also interrogated by the Don. Mr. Bulon in his will to save his own skin, gave all details of what we did in the Mela….eating all junk foods including Jalebi ,Samosa, Sugarcane, etc. What happened next, can easily be guessed by any SSGian…..Extra-Drill. Mr. P.L.N, who was so happy with us a moment before, got really pissed off. He called us to his room and started by saying… “you Buggers”. That was it….screwed….Me and Phanda were asked to wake him next day at 4am in the morning and take him on a cross-country jogging of 8km. What an experience……


RAJIB HAZAM 3265 said...

Dear Randeep really a very interesting and lovely topic u have taken us back to those golden days ..........the surjya pahar mela was really a great event I do remember bringing posters of film stars and shaktiman from the mela, the sugarcane and jelepi were indeed the most attractive part of the mela,it was fun to be there without permission and meeting friends of other houses was really great...escaping from teachers as well as seniors was a great task......and for Mr Acharjee I never thought he would complain, but nice to know that u were his victims....I will always remember his golden words"If u make noise I will kneel down outside" was good keep posting bro.........

nicholusbhattacharjee said...

Nice to see you here dude.... By the way you have still not forgotten Miss X :). Really some memories never fade with time...

Shisir said...

Rajib one small correction. Its "If you make noise, I will not hesitate to kneel down outside". haha. And I think this is by far the best post in this blog. Thanks Randeep, for the amazing story. Did you guys not take revenge on Bulon?

creativerishi said...

That is something.... Randeep...thanks ... Btw... Am coming up wid my 'Dafa' memoir a bit later than thought... Hope that stupidest act of mine makes u laugh .... :D

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